Women’s Leadership Forum – a unique 6-month group coaching program

Do you want to retain your women employees? Increase the diversity of your management team by promoting more women from within? Develop leadership skills and foster a network for women at your company?

For the cost of an executive coach for just one person, I coach 20 women to be stronger leaders and be prepared to take on larger management roles. My Women’s Leadership Forum is a unique 6-month group coaching program.

I enjoy working with groups of women to help them develop leadership skills highly relevant to their career and closely tied to your company’s culture and business model. Each month in this 6-month leadership program covers a different topic, such as:

  • Building your network strategically
  • Identifying your brand and increasing your visibility
  • Influencing without authority
  • Presenting with confidence
  • Being more strategic
  • Winning with your inner critic
  • And other topics to meet your needs

After offering my Women’s Leadership Forum for four cohorts, NextRoll reported:

“Since launching the program we have increased the number of women in people management positions to 40%, up from 27% in 2016, and look forward to growing that number in the coming years.”

Another Silicon Valley company found the Women’s Leadership Forum had a strong impact on both engagement and skill development. Because of my program, their employees:

Developed skills that have an impact on the business (100%)
Felt more prepared for their next promotion (100%)
Built relationships that will benefit their career at the company (100%)
Have the skills to effectively mentor other women (92%). This was a significant indicator of scalability for this client.
Were more likely to recommend the company as a great place to work (100%)

Here’s what others have to say:

Photo of Robin Grochol, Director of Product Managament, with quote: I learned so much from the Women's Leadership Forum -- that building & maintaining relationships is an investment that pays far greater dividends than a clean inbox; to pitch my ideas with passion and confidence, instead of just executing someone else's; to ask for what I want - whether its an important project, resources, or a promotion, rather than hope it comes my way. In short, I've learned to drive my career rather than be a backseat passenger.

Photo of Mary McBride, Senior Product Manager at AdRoll, with quote: It was really helpful to have the Women’s Leadership Forum sessions, followed by time to put what we learned into practice, and then to report back. This group has not just been about learning lessons, it has been about trying new ways of doing things, taking risks, and growing!

Photo of Chalana Bezawada, Engineering Manager at Intel, with the quote: The mentoring I've received through Karen Catlin's Group Coaching program has been phenomenal for my personal growth. I am constantly putting the concepts to implementation and working towards my career growth. I can't thank her enough for the impact she has made so far.

Photo of Shelly Vernick, Head of Employee Engagement, AdRoll, with the quote: Because of the Women’s Leadership Forum, I have had the most authentic and impactful conversations with our Execs since starting with AdRoll. The visibility session really helped me to think about using my time with Execs differently.

Photos of Geeta Kavathekar, Security Project Manager at DoorDash and Esha Mallya, Security Engineer at DoorDash, with the quote: This program has given us the tools and confidence to show up with best versions of ourselves at DoorDash.  We always had the ingredients in us; that’s why we were hired into DoorDash. However, taking ourselves to the next notch is something we both gained through this program.

The 6-Month Women’s Leadership Forum includes

  • A customized syllabus to meet your group’s needs
  • Six two-hour group coaching sessions, held conveniently by Zoom
  • For up to 20 women
  • Brief homework assignments to complete between sessions
  • Two 30-minute individual coaching calls for each participant (Premium level only)

Why Karen?

As a former software engineer and an experienced executive, I understand the challenges women face in tech companies. As a best-selling author and highly sought after speaker on inclusive workplaces, I have career-growing strategies for people who are underrepresented in their field. I’ve delivered this program for more than 25 cohorts of women, and I’d love to run it for your company next.

Interested? Let’s talk about how to customize this package to meet your needs. Contact me to start the dialog.